[bestwebsoft_contact_form lang=en] Beeswax-Orgone, Orgonite-Mareksheran, Orgonitenow Are registered names, at the commerce chambre of Roermond, Holland. We officially opened an activity, and we sell my products, ever art operas and hand made, on the site at the section Negozio Orgonite (it mean orgonite shop). This is the direct link to the shop
Buy is very easy, just please don’t mix products with shipping from two different places (Italy and Holland) or in the case do two separate orders. To buy just add in the cart the products you like, in the main page of the shop you can find the categories and then the products by last edit, so chose to navigate by pages or by categories as you want, Pyramids of many dimensions, hearts with any kind of minerals and crystals and many other kinds of orgonite, ever in beeswax, ever hand made.
One time you want cash out, chose if pay on bank account (you will have to do it manually with your bank or your home banking) or pay with paypal (that will allow you to pay also with any kind of credit card you have. Soon is possible we will include other payment forms, at the moment we consider that enough.
We send our products everywhere, including U.S.A. and any other country, of course of Europe and everywhere a postman arrive.
We chosen to keep this site only about information, how to do in several languages, other languages about this would be probably added in the future, and your support would be important, even you don’t want buy orgonite art by us, follow instruction on this site about how to do by yourself.