Make Orgone – Hi guys, after three years working just inside facebook, i want pubblish here for anyone of you english spoken my note how to do an orgonite. Well I know the translation is not the maximum in the life, but I’m pretty sure you will understand how it work and how to do. Is important you remember the scientist Wilhelm Reich never used synthetic materials but he ever used mixed naterials, organic and inorganic to build his orgonic chambres (accumulators). We do the same but we do generators, and for this we melt beeswax (organic) with metals(inorganic around a crystal or mineral ? all is pretty clear ? I hope, so c’mon angels, let’s work.
accessories work
1) ladles to dissolve the wax pot on stove (best non-stick)
2) a container like mold, plastic, glass, aluminium (from puddings or pie charts) of the shape that you want. Even cardboard but you can use it once.
the “consumables”
1) beeswax or natural carnauba, however, perhaps incense reduced in podwer (or other resins of trees) added to the wax melting phase
2) pieces of metals, to do a mix of metals (works just only with aluminum but it would be better to include iron and copper at least). You can go from a firm that makes gutters for copper and making windows and doors for aluminum, YOU will clean their machines and they thanks … also a blacksmith. But you can also use many things cooking (baking paper, aluminium, aluminium trays always metal sponges, tacks, drawing pins, Staples etc etc etc to find metals depend only on your imagination.
3) mineral or gemstone or Crystal (whatever you want)
Melt the wax in the saucepan and add, if you want, natural resins recedes, bake a little powdered, coli mold leaving a few cm of space if it is less if big is small. We throw into the mix of metals up approximately in half and then we put the Crystal. Continue to throw metals up to cover the Crystal (or mineral) and fill the container, if necessary add a little wax at end if a little metal still comes out of wax.
Wait that cools and then extract the container (if you have anointed within it will be easier and orgonite longer brilliant). The flip out like you’ve done and ready. There you may support other mineral crystal above or for further energy. Also putting it in a pot with metal or bin it enhances greatly.
The only other counsils i want give to you is not keep flame too high, better be patient, expecially if you will use paraffin, that is very flammable if going ebollition. Second counsil, ever about patienty, not be too much curious to see your finished WAIT RIGHT TIME TO TAKE OUT FROM MOLDS.
Marek Sheran <3 ^_^ <3
An example pictures of work phases, an orgonite i made and gifted to a friend in Sweden in spring 2010.
If want more informations visit my main site https://www.orgonite-mareksheran.com
About importance of gifting, check this video out https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_DT41j-rKog
Share and like, of the article and the video on youtube are welcome <3 ^_^ <3
To anyone will try, and surely will be happy of the results, consider to visit also my international free info site https://www.beeswax-orgone.eu
If you want my products yet ready, that are in fact art operas, winning certificates every time showed, you can chose between my works done in Italy, with shipping from Holland now, at the site https://www.orgonite-mareksheran.com/orgonite-shop/ and my art operas produced in Holland with shipping from Holland at the site http://orgonitenow.nl … HERE !!!
We send everywhere, including of course U.S.A. just take care to do not an order of few dollars or euros, or shipping is more expensive then the material.
Marco Matteucci aka Marek Sheran
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